New Years Eve Day at Freedom Acres

Just like Christmas Eve day… New Years Eve day fell on a Sunday.  I was thrilled again to get to be on the property on another holiday eve.  I drove off early as I had a few things to do, a client call to be on and I was going to have 2 friends from Seattle drop by for a visit to Freedom Acres today! Big Day!!!

When I got to the property it was still cool out … in the low 60s.  I know for many of you that is a warm day in winter but for this Florida girl it required extra leggings, wool socks, two hoodies and a puff jacket LOL. But the sun was out and the sky was the most beautiful blue between the moving clouds!  The birds were singing away and everything was so crisp across the property.

I did my normal routine of checking the rainwater collection tank. Not much movement there.  Florida is officially in the drought season … meaning it simply rains less this time of year … not that we are ever really dry. I figure the tank is at about 95 out of 100 gals and will probably wobble around there for much of the winter now.  My point has already been proven … it works … so until I am living on the property and can construct a real collection system this is probably as far as this tank goes.  It will still provide a little boost to the gardens when we start planting.

I had one more Adirondack chair to assemble to I went to work on that and in about 15 minutes I was done with it.  TaaaaaaDaaaaa!  Now I had all four chairs sitting around the firepit.  I finished up by putting the seat cushions and pillows in the chairs and stood back and laughed at how Kym-ish it was.  Kinda tropical but in blacks, whites and greys. Nevertheless, NOW I was truly ready for guests!!  I mused about why this little fire pit circle was so important to me.  It is because it gives me some feeling of living here even though I am not yet … my own little outdoor living room and community space.
Soon after that my friends, Cheryl and Nadine arrived. It was sooooo great to see them, as they got out of their car.  It had been several years since I had seen them, I was still living in South Florida at that time.

I popped them in the Jeep and took them for a tour of the property.  I find myself so emotional doing that still. I am a mixture of being so proud of all that is done while still knowing that it perhaps looks like nothing to others.  Nevertheless, I toured them throughout the property and then we came back to hang out by the fire pit.  Cheryl wore her boots thinking she was going to get a chance to do some work with me.  LOL  I frankly knew there wasn’t much time and I just really wanted to enjoy the experience of them being there and the conversation. 

I finally had to call an end to it so that I could get back to Saint Petersburg before it got dark and particularly knowing it was going to soon begin to have lots of folks on the road for New Years Eve. Not interested in being a part of that for sure.

This week I posted videos, on the Freedom Acres YouTube Channel, of the rainwater collection tank weekly update, the 4 Adirondack chairs by the fire pit, Gracie hanging out on the Jeep tailgate, and, of course, a short end of the day & end of the year report.  Feel free check it all out by clicking HEREAlso, feel free to subscribe and you can get notified when new videos go up! 🙂

This coming week it seems I will now be back to watching the 2 permits and Nair (my GC & friend) and I will going back to trying to get things done.  Hopefully the country will begin to work again and contractors will also.. I knew the holidays would slow everything down but it might still be too big of an expectation that folks will jump back into work quickly.  I have found myself so many times wishing others worked like I do, putting clients first, making sure they are taken care of, etc. but I am pretty sure, by now, that it really doesn’t go that way when you are dealing with large government organizations or contractors (for the most part … I have had some great folks along the way too!!!)

Welcome to 2024.  We are moving into the age of Aquarius (yep, that’s right … the Age we sang about in the 60s LOL).  But it is, for real, now here approaching as we move into 2024.  What does that mean? Well, we can look forward to old paradigms and control based systems, etc. being moved out of the way to make way for what I will just refer to as New Earth.  We have the opportunity, aligned with the Universe, to move from Fear and all of it’s subsets of emotions (jealousy, greed, anger, hate, etc.) and move into Love and all of it’s subsets of emotions (compassion, oneness, gratitude, etc.).  It is up to us and I for one am committed to doing my part.

I think it gets created from an individual basis (each one of us individually doing the work with ourselves) and then it can spread and expand on a more collective basis.  Call me crazy (it won’t be the first time) but I am so hopeful.  The last several years, have had challenges globally and the light at the end of the tunnel, as I see it, is that we can shift it … starting with ourselves.  And the energy pouring into the planet right now is here to be the wind beneath our wings to help us with that … to help us restore balance to ourselves as humans on this beautiful and blessed planet of ours.

I will probably have more to say about that as the year goes on but for now know that I am I personally intend to keep working on deleting fear and expanding a consciousness of love in myself and my life.  I wish each of you a new 2024 filled with Love, Joy and Freedom!  Freedom Acres is being created to celebrate that and Gracie and I will continue to do all we can to spread it. Happy 2024!!!  I am definitely sending Love, Joy and Freedom to you all til I come back in two weeks!




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